Copied by Lynn Tooley
Town of Manchester
Hartford County, Connecticut
Cheney Cemetery was copied from the Charles R. Hale Collection as found in the Connecticut State Library.
Brooks, Eleanor M., wife of Hugh, born May 21, 1895, died Feb. 11, 1932.
Cheney, Alice Barrett, born Feb. 1, 1858, died Mar. 13, 1908.
Cheney, Anna Wells, born June 26, 1840, died Aug. 10, 1841.
Cheney, Anne Kimberly Bunce, wife of Howell, born Apr. 1, 1870, died May 5, 1931.
Cheney, Anne Kimberly, eldest child of Howell & Anne Bunce, born Oct. 9, 1899, died Apr. 14, 1906.
Cheney, Arthur J., born Jan. 2, 1862, died Sept. 8, 1870.
Cheney, Arthur, son of Ward, born Jan. 14, 1837, died Oct. 15, 1878.
Cheney, Caroline Jackson, wife of Ward, born May 20, 1813, died Apr. 4, 1865.
Cheney, Carrie, born Nov. 18, 1866, died Aug. 29, 1870.
Cheney, Catherine Bessie, born Apr. 1, 1861, died Nov. 8, 1926.
Cheney, Charles Ely, born Jan. 9, 1831, died Mar. 4, 1853.
Cheney, Charles S., born Apr. 2, 1836, died Mar. 12, 1907.
Cheney, Charles, born Dec. 26, 1803, died June 20, 1874.
Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale, wife of Seth Wells, born June 27, 1824, died Nov. 19, 1904.
Cheney, Ednah Dow, wife of Knight Dexter, born May 12, 1841, died Sept. 17, 1915.
Cheney, Edward Moyle, son of William & Sarah, born Jan. 14, 1862, died Feb. 22, 1888.
Cheney, Electa Woodbridge, wife of George, born Jan. 2, 1781, died Oct. 12, 1853.
Cheney, Ellen Coates, born Feb. 28, 1839, died Jan. 23, 1933.
Cheney, Elsie, daughter of Richard O. & Sophie H., died Sept. 10, 1923.
Cheney, Emeline Lewis, wife of Arthur, born 1841, died 1915.
Cheney, Emily Woodbridge Pitkin, wife of Seth Wells, born Feb. 1, 1825, died May 11, 1850.
Cheney, Florence White Wade, wife of Frank Jr., born June 29, 1860, died Nov. 25, 1930.
Cheney, Florence, daughter of Richard O. & Sophie, died Oct. 3, 1916.
Cheney, Frank Dexter, born Aug. 7, 1830, died Aug. 28, 1831.
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge, son of Charles & Waitstill Dexter Shaw, born June 5, 1832, died May 26, 1909. (Flag)
Cheney, Frank, born July 5, 1817, died Feb. 4, 1904.
Cheney, Frederick, born Nov. 25, 1868, died June 30, 1870.
Cheney, George Herbert, born Sept. 13, 1861, died Apr, 6, 1929.
Cheney, George Wells, born Aug. 18, 1825, died Dec. 29, 1893.
Cheney, George Wells, born Oct. 22, 1799, died Dec. 20, 1841.
Cheney, George, born Dec. 20, 1771, died July 19, 1829.
Cheney, Georgie, baby daughter of George & Katherine, died Nov. 8, 1917.
Cheney, Harriet A. Bowen, wife of Charles, born Nov. 28, 1811, died Jan. 12, 1870.
Cheney, Harriet E., wife of James W., born June 23, 1838, died Dec. 14, 1913.
Cheney, Harriet K. Richmond, wife of George Wells, born Dec. 31, 1823, died Sept. 10, 1900.
Cheney, Harry Grant, son of Rush & Julia A., born July 30, 1852, died Oct. 21, 1918.
Cheney, Horace Bushnell Jr., born Apr. 19, 1899, died Mar. 1, 1930. (World War, Flag)
Cheney, Infant daughter of Howell & Anne Bunce, died June 7, 1916.
Cheney, James W., born Feb. 9, 1838, died Sept. 25, 1919.
Cheney, Jerusha D., wife of Ralph, born Apr. 11, 1811, died Sept. 16, 1869.
Cheney, John Davenport, son of Frank Woodbridge, born Jan. 1, 1870, died Oct. 13, 1919. (flag)
Cheney, John Sherwood, born Apr. 14, 1827, died Mar. 12, 1910.
Cheney, John, born Oct. 20, 1801, died Aug. 20, 1885.
Cheney, Julia A. Goodwin, wife of Rush, born May 8, 1824, died Feb. 6, 1867.
Cheney, Katharine A. Hutchins, wife of Charles S., born Feb. 25, 1836, died July 17, 1917.
Cheney, Katharine Sedgwick, wife of Gustavus, born Aug. 2, 1854, died Mar. 13, 1933.
Cheney, Knight Dexter 3rd, son of Knight Dexter & Ruth Lambert, born July 25, 1899, died Nov. 13, 1901.
Cheney, Knight Dexter Jr., son of Knight Dexter & Ednah D., born June 1, 1870, died Aug. 17, 1910.
Cheney, Knight Dexter, son of Charles & Waitstill Dexter Shaw Cheney, born Oct. 9, 1837, died Aug. 13, 1907.
Cheney, Margaret Swan, daughter of Seth W. & Ednah D., born Sept. 8, 1855, died Sept. 22, 1882.
Cheney, Mark, born Feb. 14, 1871, died Jan. 8, 1925.
Cheney, Mary Alice Robinson, wife of Louis R., born Sept. 17, 1856, died May 8, 1926.
Cheney, Mary Bushnell, wife of Frank Woodbridge, daughter of Horace & Mary Bushnell, born Sept. 25, 1840, died June 22, 1917.
Cheney, Mary Howell, born July 13, 1834, died May 18, 1836.
Cheney, Mary Lydia Brainard, wife of Charles, daughter of Leverett & Mary T., born Nov. 14, 1867, died Feb. 11, 1900.
Cheney, Mary, born Sept. 28, 1855, died Mar. 3, 1934.
Cheney, Mary, wife of George W., born Feb. 11, 1801, died Dec. 27, 1886.
Cheney, May, daughter of Richard O. & Sophie, died Oct. 18, 1890.
Cheney, Ralph, born Jan. 13, 1806, died Mar. 26, 1897.
Cheney, Ralph, son of Richard O. & Sophie, died June 12, 1896.
Cheney, Richard Otis, born Mar. 1, 1841, died Nov. 14, 1912.
Cheney, Richard, son of Richard O. & Sophie, died Sept. 19, 1931.
Cheney, Rush, born Apr. 25, 1815, died June 7, 1882.
Cheney, Samuel Martyn, son of William & Sarah, born Mar. 7, 1866, died Dec. 7, 1884.
Cheney, Sarah Grace, wife of William, born June 6, 1841, died Jan. 14, 1933.
Cheney, Sarah Shaw, born Sept. 13, 1835, died June 20, 1836.
Cheney, Seth Wells, born Nov. 26, 1810, died Sept. 10, 1856.
Cheney, Sophie H., wife of Richard O., born May 27, 1842, died Dec. 27, 1916.
Cheney, Sophie, daughter of Richard O. & Sophie H., born Feb. 6, 1872.
Cheney, Susan Jarvis Cushing, wife of Frank, born May 9, 1827, died July 22, 1914.
Cheney, Sylvia, daughter of Charles & Mary Bell, born Feb. 20, 1912, died Sept. 9, 1916.
Cheney, Thomas Langdon, son of Knight & Dexter & Ednah Dow, born Nov. 20, 1879, died Oct. 23, 1916.
Cheney, Waitstill Dexter Shaw, wife of Charles, born Oct. 17, 1809, died Apr. 6, 1841.
Cheney, Walter Bowden, born Apr. 13, 1864, died Mar. 21, 1913.
Cheney, Ward, ( 1st Lieut. 4th Inf. U. S. Army), born May 26, 1875, died at Bacoor Luzon of wounds received in action at the Philliphine Islands, Jan. 7, 1900.
Cheney, Ward, born Feb. 22, 1813, died Mar. 22, 1876.
Cheney, William H., born May 21, 1833, died Feb. 7, 1888.
Cheney, Willie
Cowles, Elizabeth Cheney, wife of Alfred, born Sept. 18, 1865, died Apr. 7, 1898.
Farley, Gustavus, born July 4, 1844, died Mar. 19, 1899.
Gillam, Fannie R., born Jan. 13, 1864, died Apr. 1, 1931.
Gillam, William S. (M.D.), born Aug. 30, 1858, died July 21, 1917.
Learned, Barrett, son of Henry Barrett Learned & Emily Cheney, born Dec. 7, 1909, died Oct. 24, 1924.
Learned, Mary Bushnell, born Mar. 13, 1906, died Sept. 13, 1906.
Platt, Charles A., born Oct. 16, 1861, died Sept. 12, 1933.
Platt, John Cheney, born Jan. 25, 1860, died Apr. 16, 1932.
Platt, John H., born Nov. 19, 1827, died Aug. 21, 1887.
Platt, Mary Cheney, wife of John H., born Apr. 24, 1829, died Mar. 10, 1908.
Platt, Sylvia, daughter of Charles & Eleanor, born Sept. 13, died Feb. 26.
Platt, William Barnes born May 16, 1869, died July 16, 1892.
Sweeney, Mary, died Sept. 11, 1898, about 75 yrs. old.
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